
Scopri i nostri percorsi di bellezza. Epilazione, Manicure, Pedicure: tutti i nostri trattamenti beauty sono personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze.

Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

SUPERHEADLINEThis is Extra Large

Headline has Superheadline, Subheadline and Top Dash


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Room Size: 25m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

bed room

Standard double bed room with balcony and jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All standard double rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, two twin beds, comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi and hair dryer and a balcony.

Room Size: 38m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

jacuzzi room

Superior king size bed room with balcony and extra large jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All superior king size bed rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, king size bed, large bathroom with a jacuzzi, hair dryer and a balcony.

Room Size: 30m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

bed room

Super double bed room with balcony and jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All Super double bed rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, two twin beds, comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi and hair dryer and a balcony.

Trattamenti Beauty

Eliminazione dei peli in sicurezza. Per tutti i tipi di pelle. Cute liscia e idratata

Sia che tu preferisca la depilazione con cera tradizionale, cera brasiliana o il metodo più avanzato del laser, siamo qui per fornirti risultati eccezionali e duraturi.

La nostra depilazione con cera garantisce una pelle vellutata e senza peli. Utilizziamo prodotti di altissima qualità e una tecnica professionale per garantire una depilazione delicata ma efficace. Il nostro personale esperto si prenderà cura di te con attenzione e discrezione, assicurandosi che tu ti senta a tuo agio durante tutto il trattamento.

Se invece desideri un’opzione più duratura, la nostra depilazione laser è la scelta ideale. Con l’ausilio di tecnologie laser all’avanguardia, siamo in grado di rimuovere i peli indesiderati in modo sicuro e praticamente indolore. I nostri trattamenti laser sono personalizzati per adattarsi alle tue esigenze specifiche, garantendo risultati duraturi e una crescita dei peli ridotta nel tempo.

La nostra equipe di esperti è altamente qualificata nell’utilizzo delle tecnologie laser e saprà guidarti attraverso il processo, rispondendo a tutte le tue domande e mettendo a tuo agio.

Prenota il tuo appuntamento presso il nostro centro estetico e scopri la differenza che una depilazione professionale può fare nella tua vita.

Smalto semipermanente
Rendi le tue unghie una vera opera d’arte con il nostro servizio di smalto semipermanente. Il segreto per una manicure impeccabile e a lunga durata.


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Trattamenti Beauty
Smalto semipermanente

Rendi le tue unghie una vera opera d’arte con il nostro servizio di smalto semipermanente. Il segreto per una manicure impeccabile e a lunga durata.

Il nostro smalto semipermanente NAILOVER offre un’applicazione facile e veloce, con una vasta selezione di colori e finiture per soddisfare ogni stile e occasione. Con la sua formula resistente e di alta qualità, il colore rimarrà intenso e senza scheggiature per settimane, garantendoti unghie perfette che cattureranno lo sguardo di tutti.

Oltre alla bellezza, il nostro smalto semipermanente è anche gentile con le tue unghie naturali. La sua formula avanzata protegge le unghie, evitando che si indeboliscano o si sfaldino. Inoltre, la rimozione del colore è rapida e delicata, senza danneggiare le tue unghie.

Vieni a trovarci e lasciati stupire dalle nostre competenze e dalla nostra attenzione ai dettagli. Scegli il nostro servizio di smalto semipermanente per unghie perfette e luminose che ti faranno sentire sicura e bellissima. Prenota subito il tuo appuntamento e scopri il piacere di avere unghie impeccabili a lunga durata.

Per rendere i piedi nuovamente sani e belli


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Trattamenti Beauty

Piedi lisci e morbidi. Azione benefica e rilassante, Trattamenti sicuri
I disturbi più comuni dei piedi, come i calli o le unghie incarnite, per quanto facilmente risolvibili possono diventare particolarmente fastidiosi quando trascurati.

Le nostre professioniste valuteranno lo stato di salute dei vostri piedi, gli eventuali disturbi e la qualità della pelle, per poi personalizzare il trattamento di pedicure secondo le vostre necessità.

Il servizio si rivolge a tutte le donne e gli uomini che accusano problemi di:

  • calli
  • duroni
  • ispessimenti
  • pelle secca
  • unghie incarnite
  • unghie rovinate

Trattamento personalizzato
Ogni disturbo della salute dei piedi ha origine diversa e richiede un’attenta analisi delle cause e delle possibili soluzioni: contattateci per un incontro, definiremo insieme il percorso giusto da seguire.

Le mani, espressione dei nostri sentimenti e del nostro stile, necessitano cure e attenzioni particolari


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Trattamenti Beauty

Le mani, una tra le aree del nostro corpo più esposte agli agenti esterni, vanno protette con difese e trattamenti speciali che aiutino a preservare la bellezza e la salute della pelle e delle unghie.
Manicure completa e revitalizzante
Riserviamo alle nostre clienti un percorso completo con l’ausilio di strumenti sterilizzati per riportare le mani al loro originale stato di bellezza e salute.
Valutare attentamente la tua condizione ci permette di scegliere con consapevolezza il percorso giusto da seguire, per offrirti un trattamento revitalizzante dedicato che risolverà in poco tempo le tue esigenze.

All our guests
can use freely

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Book now

Book an appointment today and let us transform your salon visit to an experience. You’ll leave feeling pretty on the outside and, more importantly, beautiful on the inside.

    What makes
    us different?

    Scopri i nostri percorsi di bellezza. Epilazione, Manicure, Pedicure: tutti i nostri trattamenti beauty sono personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze.


    Podcasting operational change management inside of workflow framework.


    Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity.

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    User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.


    Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.


    Podcasting operational change management inside of workflow framework.


    Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity.

    Would Return

    User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.


    Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.
    Chi Siamo

    LP ESTETICA 4.0 S.R.L.
    P. IVA 04455110710

    Estetica 4.0 Professional Beauty Clinic è una clinica di Estetica Professionale nel cuore di Foggia. Il centro è specializzato in trattamenti estetici e beauty per il viso, il corpo e in percorsi di estetica generale.

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    With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

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    Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.