Estetica Corpo

I nostri trattamenti professionali combinati da attivi sinergici e tecnologie sono in grado di intervenire in un evidente miglioramento estetico

Body Control personalizzato
Consulenze e trattamenti personalizzati: un piano di bellezza e salute su misura per il tuo corpo


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Estetica Corpo
Body Control personalizzato

La pelle del corpo, per mantenersi bella, tonica ed idratata, va nutrita in profondità con prodotti scelti a seconda delle specifiche caratteristiche di ciascuno. Un prodotto non completamente adatto o un trattamento non idoneo potrebbe non sortire alcun effetto, per cui è necessario affidarsi all’esperienza per pianificare un programma efficace.

Il nostro approccio
Desideriamo creare una nuova consapevolezza nei confronti delle esigenze della pelle, insegnando a chi ci sceglie che la bellezza nasce dalla salute dei tessuti e da un corretto approccio. Accompagniamo ed affianchiamo ogni cliente nel proprio percorso di cura del corpo, dalla analisi dello stato di salute della cute alla scelta dei trattamenti più adatti.
Una corretta diagnosi è fondamentale. Un approccio differenziato, un programma preventivo e un’azione di contrasto quotidiana sono parte integrante della nostra strategia.

Le nostre consulenti estetiche, altamente qualificate, tramite un’accurata diagnosi tecnologica potranno rispondere a questa necessità scegliendo il percorso più all’avanguardia e l’autocura domiciliare personalizzata, tenendo conto anche delle abitudini e delle esigenze specifiche.

Contrasto quotidiano
Le cure quotidiane della pelle rappresentano per il nostro Istituto uno strumento d’elezione nella prevenzione e nel trattamento degli inestetismi cutanei. Un’attenta valutazione delle singole esigenze, unita alla consulenza professionale, permette di creare programmi domiciliari personalizzati.

Trattamento smagliature
I nostri trattamenti professionali combinati da attivi sinergici e tecnologie sono in grado di intervenire in un evidente miglioramento estetico della smagliatura


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

SUPERHEADLINEThis is Extra Large

Headline has Superheadline, Subheadline and Top Dash


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Room Size: 25m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

bed room

Standard double bed room with balcony and jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All standard double rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, two twin beds, comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi and hair dryer and a balcony.

Room Size: 38m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

jacuzzi room

Superior king size bed room with balcony and extra large jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All superior king size bed rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, king size bed, large bathroom with a jacuzzi, hair dryer and a balcony.

Room Size: 30m2
Maximum Guests: 2 Adults

bed room

Super double bed room with balcony and jacuzzi. There is option to add breakfast, lunch or dinner. All Super double bed rooms are equiped with telephone, flat screen TV, two twin beds, comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi and hair dryer and a balcony.

Estetica Corpo
Trattamento smagliature

Le smagliature sono lesioni cutanee molto comuni, sono la conseguenza di una rottura che si verifica nel tessuto connettivo dermico e che si manifesta esternamente come atrofia cutanea. Il loro processo evolutivo comprende due fasi:

1. Inizialmente acquistano un colore rosato a causa di una infiammazione
2. Nelle fasi successive l’epidermide diventa piatta e il derma di disorganizza acquistando un colore bianco
I nostri trattamenti professionali combinati da attivi sinergici e tecnologie sono in grado di intervenire in un evidente miglioramento estetico della smagliatura.

Trattamento Cellulite
Un tema che interessa quasi tutte le donne di ogni età. Non esiste un solo tipo di cellulite. Sai qual è il tuo?


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Estetica Corpo
Trattamento Cellulite

Un tema che interessa quasi tutte le donne di ogni età. La cellulite è un grande problema che tutte vogliono risolvere. Come? Dipende. Perché non esiste un solo tipo di cellulite, ma molti tipi. Sai qual è il tuo?


La prima cosa da fare è identificare il tipo di cellulite. Drenare, agire sull’adipe localizzato e stimolare la pelle e la circolazione sono le chiavi per trattare il problema.


Le cause della cellulite possono essere relazionate all’età, ma sono anche collegate alle nostre abitudini, alla predisposizione genetica, ai cambiamenti o alle alterazioni ormonali e alla cattiva circolazione.

Si manifesta come accumulo di grasso, ritenzione idrica e infiammazione (pelle a buccia d’arancia) in zone specifiche. La prevenzione ne evita l’aumento.

La Pressoterapia e la Radiofrequenza sono trattamenti che favoriscono il drenaggio linfatico e riducono l’accumulo di grasso in modo che non si infiltri. Inoltre, riducono il volume e migliorano la circolazione, rassodando e tonificando la pelle.

La tecnologia grazie ad un massaggio pressorio aiuta a ripristinare il corretto stato del sistema circolatorio delle gambe


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Estetica Corpo

Combatte gli inestetismi della cellulite;
Riduce la ritenzione idrica;
Aiuta a rimodellare le forme e a snellire la figura;
Favorisce il drenaggio delle tossine.

Quando, a causa dello stress, posture sbagliate mantenute a lungo, alimentazione ed abitudini scorrette, la circolazione venosa e linfatica delle gambe viene alterata, si possono accumulare tossine e liquidi negli spazi tra le cellule.

Grazie alla pressoterapia è possibile risolvere questo stato e le sue conseguenze, ossia gonfiori e pesantezza agli arti inferiori.

La pressoterapia
Un massaggio eseguito con degli speciali gambali ad aria compressa aiuta a migliorare la microcircolazione linfatica e sanguigna, favorendo l’eliminazione delle tossine e dei liquidi che ristagnano nel corpo.
Come suggerisce il nome, la tecnica consiste nell’applicazione di una pressione esterna sull’area da trattare: si utilizzano degli speciali gambali attraverso i quali viene veicolata dell’aria compressa. Il risultato è un massaggio drenante profondo e piacevole che riattiva la circolazione delle gambe.

Sedute ed indicazioni
Consigliamo sempre di sottoporsi ad un incontro preliminare per personalizzare il trattamento e definire al meglio il numero di sedute.
Solitamente proponiamo due sedute alla settimana nella prima fase del trattamento, per poi passare ad una seduta a settimana per la fase di mantenimento.

Sedute di massoterapia personalizzate, eseguite con tecniche che portano benefici sia al corpo che alla mente


Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Estetica Corpo

Rilassa i muscoli;
Riduce lo stress;
Ossigena i tessuti.

I ritmi frenetici della vita quotidiana scanditi da impegni e preoccupazioni mettono il nostro organismo in uno stato di tensione continuo, che con il tempo compromettono l’equilibrio psicofisico e alla lunga anche la salute.

Un massaggio eseguito nel modo corretto cura la persona nel suo complesso, con effetti benefici sia sul corpo che sulla mente.

L’importanza di un corretto rilassamento
L’organismo reagisce alle tensioni della vita quotidiana tentando di adattarsi ai ritmi forzati, con il risultato che stress e affaticamento si accumulano progressivamente irrigidendo i muscoli e aumentando la tensione fisica e mentale.

I benefici della massoterapia
Il massaggio favorisce il riequilibrio della circolazione linfatica, aiutando l’organismo a drenare i liquidi e a depurarsi dalle tossine in eccesso presenti nei tessuti.

Le tecniche di massoterapia aiutano a:

ridurre gli edemi;
aumentare le difese immunitarie;
nutrire e ossigenare i tessuti
riattivare il microcircolo.

Sottoporsi ad un massaggio crea nella persona una dimensione favorevole, serena e lontana dallo stress. Il corpo sarà nuovamente in armonia e pronto a ricevere il massimo dei benefici degli eventuali trattamenti eseguiti dopo il massaggio.

All our guests
can use freely

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

Indoor pool

You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

Book now

Book an appointment today and let us transform your salon visit to an experience. You’ll leave feeling pretty on the outside and, more importantly, beautiful on the inside.

    Peeling corpo
    Esfoliazione gentile per risolvere gli inestetismi di tutto il corpo


    Cere depilatorie e tecnologia laser di ultima generazione per liberarsi dei peli superflui

    Indoor pool

    You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.

    Indoor pool

    You can swim in the indoor pool or indulge yourself in Jacuzzi to unwind at the end of the day. Complimentary for hotel guests. Temperature of the water in the pool: 31-33°C. Temperature of the water in the hot tub: 37°C. We now offer weekly and monthly swimming pool membership card for adults and children.


    From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


    From the sea kingdom, we offer our Detox Seaweed Body Wrap. We use ocean water, which is practically identical in chemical composition to human blood plasma. Every nutrient needed by man is present in ocean water. We then mix a solution of seaweed. Seaweeds and algae deliver the sea’s full nutritional bounty in the exact proportions as they are required by the human body.


    Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.


    Detoxifies, tightens, smooths and contours this wrap consist of using the highest quality of organic ingredients for maximum inch loss and improvement in cellulite, varicose veins and overall skin enhancements. This dead skin cell-eliminating treatment uses cloth sheets that are soaked in our handpicked selection of herbs made into a solution, blended with essential oils and steeped in very hot water.

    What makes
    us different?

    Scopri i nostri percorsi di bellezza. Epilazione, Manicure, Pedicure: tutti i nostri trattamenti beauty sono personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze.


    Podcasting operational change management inside of workflow framework.


    Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity.

    Would Return

    User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.


    Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.


    Podcasting operational change management inside of workflow framework.


    Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity.

    Would Return

    User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.


    Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews.

    Estetica Corpo

    Rimuove le cellule morte;

    Migliora rughe, macchie scure e altri disturbi;

    Rende la pelle liscia e luminosa.

    Non solo il viso ma anche tutta la superficie del corpo necessita di essere trattata con metodiche peeling, che aiutano a risolvere:

    • inestetismi delle mani
    • inestetismi del décolleté, delle spalle e della schiena
    • macchie scure
    • pelle secca, ruvida e disidratata
    • ispessimenti
    • ipercheratosi cutanea (“pelle d’oca”)
    • follicoliti (causate da depilazioni mal eseguite)

    Il peeling è spesso l’unica terapia efficace per trattare questi inestetismi, ed è senza dubbio il punto di partenza per normalizzare la pelle e metterla in grado di assorbire in maniera ottimale le sostanze necessarie al mantenimento del suo equilibrio.

    Inoltre, eseguito periodicamente, il peeling chimico per il corpo aiuta a mantenere la pelle sana, pulita, luminosa ed elastica.

    Si consiglia di eseguire il trattamento professionale una volta al mese.
    Chi Siamo

    LP ESTETICA 4.0 S.R.L.
    P. IVA 04455110710

    Estetica 4.0 Professional Beauty Clinic è una clinica di Estetica Professionale nel cuore di Foggia. Il centro è specializzato in trattamenti estetici e beauty per il viso, il corpo e in percorsi di estetica generale.

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    With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

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    Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.